- September 6, 2017
- Posted by: Wevio
- Category: General, Market Research & Analysis, Sales & Marketing, Wevio Blog

It is always desired by the businesses to have as much revenue and as much growth as possible, the primary goal of a business is to increase revenue as much as they can and the second goal is to grow as much as it can. To fulfil these two goals the businesses and companies are striving and working as much as they can.
But what is that which really can make your work easy and give an edge over others, what is that you will find in this article that will make your business compete with the top businesses in your sector, let me reveal it, it’s “branding and marketing”, now the question is what are those 10 things that you can do to make your business prosper. Keep reading, below are those 10 things listed:

Data Analytics
Well, it is so obvious that data analytics is going to be a part of this list, isn’t it? Now, for those who do not understand what data analytics mean, let me make things easier. Data analytics has to do with the details of your customers, clients etc. Then the data which you think has to do nothing with the revenue will turn out to be a magnet for your business, it’s only that you need to use that data wisely to understand the need, behavior and nature of your customers and that is exactly when you will have the information that you need to have to brand your product and sell it easily in the market. This data will help you predict the behavior of your audience before they know it.
Gone are the days of “keywords” which were used in the content to let search engine fetch the link to your website and it’s harsh now to even think about keywords in this world of competition, your competitors have already collaborated with the Google maps to have them fetch their location whenever the customer is somewhere near and looking for the services they deal in. It is imperative now to have GPS-Based SEO so that whenever a prospect near you is searching for the services you render, the Google could direct him to your facility.
Content Marketing
Instead of spending your money on the traditional ways of advertising, go for creative content which has more of visual content and less of lines because no one likes to read much. Content marketing with proper SEO strategy can lead to a good sales turnover.

Want to have a good brand name and maintain it for longer period of time, you are restricted to go for cheap and easy ways of advertising and marketing campaigns, you will need to come up with some creative ideas to get through it, have your own ideas and let go of hype-in-the-market technique. Quantity of advertisement never much matters, it is always the quality which matters the most. Once some people in the world know that you exist and you are good at what you do, they will spread the word which will make you popular with a good brand name.
The “Phygital” Approach
When there is so much competition between the online market and brick and mortar, that one thing you need to have as an approach for your business is phygital where you have your website in place to handle the customers research needs and on the other hand you are also present with your good brick and mortar shop to give them the physical touch. That is what Amazon is doing these days.

Y-Gen Chatbots
Now there is a concept prevailing in today’s market where the companies, such as: Amazon, Facebook etc. are letting the customers chat to their friends while they are shopping so that they can have the ‘’Brick and Mortar” kind of experience where people go to shop with their friends and buy things on a discussion. More and more companies are going to opt this tech savvy approach to give their consumers an experience which will let them remember the brand always.
Retailers Becoming Mood Changers
Now the retailers have started working in way that has proved to be commendable, they pay so much attention to each and everything now and try to polish their gold with different things, such as; keeping various gifts, very polite behavior, after sales services etc. They have started putting in efforts to save their business and help to make a brand name. Businesses can work that out with ease and can really have a tremendous amount of word of mouth which will help them have a good brand name.
Minimalistic Packaging Design
Today we have all fancy things available to do our marketing and our branding but have you ever thought what a simple and sophisticated thing is capable of doing, well you haven’t, to my very surprise people who are themselves in this business of marketing do not know things about this and they make things very fancy-looking which kind of makes it look cheaper, and when it comes to packaging, one thing that everyone needs to remember is having a decent packaging instead of cheap and loose packs. Keep it plain and simple and write about product clearly so that there is better understanding which will lead to better promotion.
Establish Emotional Connect
People have forgotten about the emotions and they do not consider it to be a very good tool for promotion and branding, while the contrary is true, when there is an emotional connect with the brand which is so strong that small loop-holes couldn’t disrupt them, such was the case with Maggi, even after such disastrous fall, Maggi was able to retain the market share.
Keeping Up on Social Media
Where all the above listed things are necessary, this one is absolute requirement, as far as advertising is concerned social media is the best place to have advertisements at and try to keep up with every channel be it Facebook, Snapchat, Blog, Twitter etc. This is the best tool to keep your audience aware and keep them interested.
There have been so many things discussed above and now it’s time to give it a break as it would be worthless telling more than this. This is all that you need to build your brand image. Good luck with your branding.